Various exhibitions of the book Bridging the Naf
♦ A day-long exhibition was held on 25th January 2019, at the Myanm/art Gallery in Yangon after the completion of the first phase (members of Kaali Collective went to Myanmar for the collaboration) from 19th to 26th January 2019.
♦ ‘Bridging the Naf’ book launching program at Myanmar Deitta, a two-month ( from 22nd June- 16th August 2019) long exhibition held in Yangon. A Panel Discussion session about 'Women and Photography in Asia' was held on 16th August 2019 at Myanmar Deitta in Yangon where Kaali and Thuma both expressed their work experiences in their home countries, challenges they face, etc.
♦ On 20th September 2019 Kaali Collective organized ‘Bridging the Naf’ book launching event at Pathshala South Asian Media Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.